Entertaining quiz

Disponibilité : Tous les jours

Sur demande

à partir de 2h

Min : 8 - Max : 800

Sur demande

Français - Anglais - Italien - Autres langues sur demande

A partir de 25,00 €

Entertaining quiz nights in Rome

Bring your corporate dinners to life with our team games! We assure you relax and good humor with our quizzes for private events (birthdays, inaugurations, shows …) or evenings and company parties.

These challenges and clues, around various subjects, are sure values ​​to energize your evenings with colleagues or friends.

We offer a whole range of activities to liven up your evenings.
Discover our offers:


Test your knowledge around varied and entertaining themes. Impress your colleagues with your knowledge by responding as quickly as possible.
The principle is simple: divided into teams, you must answer general knowledge questions within a given time using your buzzer …
History, sport, geography, local traditions, gastronomy all themes are tackled in addition to the special musical quiz where everyone sings. The evening is organized around qualifying phases and final phases to choose the winning team.
Our team will supervise the game and our presenter will animate it by asking questions and announcing the scores.
This animation can either take place in its entirety at the beginning or end of lunch or evening. Or during a cocktail reception or seated meal with several game sessions during inter-course.)
Possibility of including questions or personalized animation according to your company or client.
Go to your buzzers!

Blind Test

A simple entertaining known to everyone: recognize the title of the song that is launched and its performer before the opposing teams. This musical quiz is ideal for spending an original and friendly evening with your colleagues.
From the Beatles to Daft Punk via ABBA and Jean-Jacques Goldman, there will be something for everyone! Around the biggest hits that have punctuated our lives, vibrate in unison and win the challenge with your team.
The styles and levels of difficulty are linked to put the participants to the test.
Are you the music lover you claim to be? Is your office neighbor really unbeatable on the Rolling Stones? Does the Marketing Team Have a Musical Ear? This blind test will let you know… and may the best one win!

Challenge night

It is possible to combine the 2 activities of Quiz and Blind test and / or to complete them with other challenges such as the Game “draw to win!”, Mime and / or dance tests, a karaoke .
A full evening of entertainment where each participant can highlight their strengths and win their team.
Price : starting from € 25,00 (Depending on the number of participants)
The activities include:
– Supervision, animation and logistics provided by the BeyondRoma team
– Transport, assembly and disassembly of technical equipment
– Equipment for animation (microphones, video projector and buzzer)
– Prizes and awards for the winning teams
– Integration of questions about your business
Additional options:
– The catering service (Aperitif, 3 seated lunch / dinner or cocktail dinner)
– Room rental
These events can be freely adapted and customized to best meet your requirements. Write to us to compose your tailor-made evening: info@beyondroma.com

Vous pourriez aimer

À partir de € 15,00
À partir de € 45,00
À partir de € 25,00
À partir de € 15,00